This app needs to be deleted from the App Store. It’s racist is swearing name, calling Vera verbal abuse mentally abuse and it’s also been a lot of racist rude comments. It’s been there. Fbi already knows so this incident the RCMP knows about this incident and they keep saying oh what is the point calling the FBI or the RCMP because they will sit on it put their phone on the table just to get you off the phone it’s not true is fault, someone needs to report this to the law enforcement because it’s a lot of abuse going on. I already texted it on the app and I already found the law enforcement and they’re fully aware of the incident, but there needs to be deleted is not abuse going on verbal and lot abuselots of threat lots of lots of races. They are staying. Oh we didn’t break any laws this all lives. It’s a guy name speedy 69 is on here. Other people retards lotta.