My very first review
Well tbh the game is worth playing I love the idea and it was all fun but what I’m upset about that the game is too short ( like the last level is 18 !! ) I hope there’s something there to solve this issue also WHY THE CLOTHING OR ROOM DECORATION OPTIONS DOESNT HAVE A WIDE RANGE another thing it would be really nice if I could change the baby's gender or skin color or what he/she looks like and etc . Apart from all of these disadvantages I really liked how there’s no ad every one sec I mean ofc there’s ad but it’s not that much which really saved my time and making this game worth playing . Last thing if ur reading this I recommend you to try it’s really worth ur time and nice . Ops I almost forgot some of the choices are so unrealistic so could make it more realistic to add if ur think “ oh 18 years old is the last level cuz that’s baby isn’t a baby anymore and an adult “ well in that case could you make like “ CONGRATULATIONS or show me my result as a parent or show an ending NO JUST REMOVING THE CHOICES WHEN I FINISH LEVEL 18 AND MY CHILD JUST STANDING DOING NOTHING lastly I really appreciate the work that been put in to this game and the effort that been used thanks to whoever made this game I’m really glad to know this game I even finished it in 2 hours since it’s really good.