Chinese? Chinese! Chinese is so easy with PASSHSK!
With 17 language options, a vast question database, and accurate explanations... Everything you need to know about the Chinese language exam HSK is available in "PASS HSK"!
The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) test is China's only official test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is open to foreign students, overseas Chinese, and members of ethnic minority groups in China, and provides the global standard for Chinese language proficiency from beginner to advanced level.
HSK exam Level 1, You will Master 150 Chinese Characters
HSK exam Level 2, You will Master 300 Chinese Characters
HSK exam Level 3, You will Master 600 Chinese Characters
HSK exam Level 4, You will Master 1200 Chinese Characters
HSK exam Level 5, You will Master 2500 Chinese Characters
HSK exam Level 6. You will Master 5000 Chinese Characters
What we offer in PASS HSK - the online Chinese examination app:
[Multi-Language Learning] Twelve common languages, including all system languages, are available, with professionally translated question explanations and explanations of key and difficult points, allowing you to learn Chinese and understand HSK exam questions in your native language.
[Practice Mode] Ninety sets of real past HSK exam papers are available for practice anytime, anywhere, with question explanation corrections for more effective score improvement.
[Specialized Exercises] Specialised Error-prone knowledge points, vocabulary mini-lessons, and grammar mini-lessons break down the HSK exam content into keywords and grammar points, making learning Chinese more accessible.
[Authentic Simulation] Replicate the real HSK exam environment, experience the complete HSK exam process, and accurately predict your exam score, with complete question explanations and explanations of grammar and vocabulary key difficult points for each question.With our supertest, you will be empowered with super chinese ability and say hello talk!
[Question Explanations] Each HSK exam question comes with a full explanation in Chinese and your native languages, and you can also view and add your own additional explanations in the comments section.
PassHSK 是一款科学有效的汉语水平考试学习工具,帮助你轻松备考 HSK 1、HSK 2、HSK 3、HSK 4、HSK 5 和 HSK 6 级考试。PassHSK 结合了专业内容和人工智能技术,是一款在各大主流应用市场中排名领先的汉语水平考试训练平台。我们的资深教研团队研发了 HSK1 至 HSK6 各个等级的课程,包含超过三万道专项练习题及答题精讲,上百套模拟题与全真题,全面覆盖 HSK 的重点词汇与语法。
HSK汉语水平考试,是一项国际汉语能力标准化考试,专为测试母语非汉语者的汉语水平而设。考试形式分为笔试和机试两种,通过 HSK 考试是你在中国留学或工作的必要条件。通常,进入中国大学需达到 HSK 4、HSK 5 或 HSK 6 级别。
如何在 PassHSK 上学习?
第一步,准确了解你的汉语水平。当你下载 PassHSK 后,可以通过 AI 测试精准定位你的汉语水平。
第二步,开始课程学习。确定 HSK 等级后,PassHSK 会为你提供完善的学习体系。你可以自由选择练习 HSK 考题,涵盖听力、阅读或写作等题型。你也可以不制定学习计划,只需跟着 PassHSK 设计的单元课程学习,每个单元都包含对应的 HSK 词汇、语法和练习题。
第三步,进行模拟考试。PassHSK 提供上百套全真题和模拟题,帮助你模拟真实的 HSK 考试场景,使你对 HSK 考试流程及题型有整体的认知。
第四步,轻松掌握知识点。只需跟着 PassHSK 认真完成课程,掌握必考 HSK 词汇与语法,巩固重难点,定期进行单元复习!
HSK 1 至 HSK 6 级别持续更新的模拟题与真题;
通过 HSK1 级,掌握中文发音,学习必要的生词,建立基本的沟通技能;
通过 HSK2 级,掌握中文基础,能够在日常场景中进行有效沟通;
通过 HSK3 级,掌握日常生活中的对话,并开始在学术和工作环境中进行交流;
通过 HSK4 级,在广泛的主题上与当地人沟通,培养进入中国大学或在中国公司工作所需的语言技能;
通过 HSK5 级,用中文进行演示,流利阅读和书写,并自信而有效地应对不熟悉的情况;
通过 HSK6 级,自由用中文表达意见,具备进入中国优秀大学或在中国公司高层工作的语言能力。
PassHSK 的优势
团队优势:PassHSK 团队拥有多年丰富的教学经验,深入研究了 HSK 各个级别的能力水平,制定了多种学习体系,为你提供有效的备考计划与课程。
课程优势:PassHSK 提供专项训练,你可以自由选择听力、阅读或写作的题型学习;我们拥有超大题库,包含超过三万道练习题,是你刷题的宝典;词汇训练涵盖高频 HSK 词汇2500个,帮助你熟练掌握听说读写造句;全真题包括历年考卷,帮助你高度掌握考试难度;模拟题则由资深教师根据多年经验设计,非常适合你练习。我们还提供定制化学习,你无需再制定学习计划,PassHSK 帮你一步到位。每个单元都有对应的 HSK 词汇、语法和专项训练,并包含单元测试用于检测知识点掌握情况。复习课需完成上一单元的复习后方可开启下一单元课程。单元学习完成后,你可以通过考试查看学习成果。
内容优势:PassHSK 提供完善的备考攻略,全面覆盖听力、阅读、写作等题型,并提供重点考试技巧、个性化学习方案、大量 HSK 词汇训练、150 多条语法解析、详细答案解析、每日错题回顾、及时专家指导、资深作文辅导,以及超过三万道练习题和全真题模拟测试与分析。
技术优势:PassHSK 提供精准的水平测试、智能选题、单元复习与解锁、错题集与错题回顾。我们会持续不断更新 HSK 内容,并分享丰富的中国文化,让你爱上在 PassHSK 学习。PassHSK 不仅是一个学习平台,更是一直陪伴你的中文伙伴。
PassHSK 的荣誉
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118.00 H$