Más de 1,700,000 fotos, imágenes, vectores e ilustraciones gratuitas de dominio público de alta calidad.
Utilícelos para uso personal o comercial sin atribución.
Edítalas con las herramientas de edición de fotos fáciles de usar de Pinnable. Retoque sus imágenes con filtros de cámara, ajustes de fondo y ajustes preestablecidos para agregar ajustes rápidamente.
• Colección de más de 1 700 000 imágenes, vectores e ilustraciones libres de derechos de autor
• Uso gratuito
• Libre de derechos de autor
• El editor de fotos incorporado de Pinnable le brinda el poder de programas más sofisticados pero es extremadamente fácil de usar
• Ajuste el brillo, el contraste y la saturación para lograr el aspecto perfecto
• Aplica tu estilo con filtros y efectos estéticos
• Agregar texto a las fotos
• Usa bellas ilustraciones (pegatinas, marcos, mariposas, pancartas, flores, esquinas, fantasmas, emoticonos...) para ese toque final
• Diseñe hermosas publicaciones de Pinterest e Instagram
• Crear publicaciones de Facebook y portadas de Facebook
• Diseño de banners de Twitter y miniaturas de Youtube
• Haga tarjetas, invitaciones y carteles para cualquier uso en las redes sociales
Pinnable is a public domain photos repository and image editing tool, all in one place! Add the perfect attention-grabbing texts, stickers and effects to over 1,700,000 stunning cost free, royalty free, attribution free images! Edit them for commercial use, or just for fun. Share them on all social platforms, they are free of any copyrights!
Pinnable has an amazing collection of images and vectors to choose from, and it's an easy editing tool for non-designers. It allows you to quickly and easily create great, high-quality images for your Pinterest boards, Facebook and Twitter feeds or Instagram.
• Collection of Over 1,700,000 Attribution Free Images, Vectors and Illustrations
- Did we mention FREE? Free to use, free of copyrights, free period (.)
• Artwork
- Choose from a delightful collection of stickers, emoticons, flowers, butterflies, ghosts (yes, ghosts!) to add onto your photos.
• Bokeh Collection
- Hearts or circles, that is the question! One or another (or maybe squares), it's guaranteed to add a stunning look to your photos.
• Photo Filters
- Apply one of our gorgeous photo filters. Get that special look!
• Photo Effects
- Adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast, blur, and exposure of your pictures.
• Drawing Tool
- Perfect for those who want to draw some rough notes, instructions, captions & more on their pics.
• Typography
- Choose from a wonderful collection of fonts, and easily resize, rotate, and/or adjust the opacity.
• Frames
- Perfect shapes to frame your perfect photos, as a cherry on top.
We hope you like our app, and have lots of fun with it. Please, send us your suggestions if there are some other things you would like to see in the app: we can't promise 100% that we will add them all, but we'll try our best to incorporate as many as possible in future releases.
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