Pintify is a simple photo content platform that creates meaningful social interaction by identifying and expressing what you really like. Signup with your Facebook, Twitter or Gmail account, follow and engage with your friends, influencers, photographers, art enthusiasts, public figures and bloggers in one or more domains such as art, fashion, beauty, photography, modeling, advertising, acting, architecture, design .... etc.
Use Pintify to:
• Post quality photos, edit them with simple filters, identify and add up to 6 pins on your photo objects for your followers to interact with, select your own photo teaser, add caption, location, tags and copyright info;
• Use smart top bar navigation for easy control and quick access to your feed, posts, views, and favorites;
• Browse photos from people you follow in your feed;
• Interact with other posts and express what you really like about their photos;
• Benefit from gird, feed and multidirectional carousel view;
• Benefit from the active carousel scrolling to browse horizontally missed unseen photos;
• Enjoy easy zooming;
• Share photos with friends through multiple ways at your convenience using dynamic deep inks;
• Discover photos you might like and follow new accounts on the search tab.
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