Understanding the concept of places and values in the base then system is essential for long-term understanding. Division using place value discs emphasizes the importance of equal sharing and regrouping.
This math app is about visually dividing two numbers using place value discs.
- numbers with 1 - 3 digits
random problems
custom problems
One of four apps in the iDevBooks Place Value series
Place Value Addition
Place Value Subtraction
Place Value Multiplication
Place Value Division
Please visit to see a video of the app.
Other iDevBooks math apps
iDevBooks math apps have been reviewed and endorsed by,,, Teachers with Apps, and other respected sites and organizations.
Some of the other 40 iDevBooks math apps are Visual Fractions Decimals and Percentages, Decimal Rounding, Whole Number Rounding, Column Subtraction, Column Addition, Long Division, Long Multiplication, Lattice Multiplication, Partial Differences Subtraction, Partial Quotients Division, Partial Sums Addition, etc.
Feedback and requests for new features
New ideas to make this app better are welcome. Please visit to give feedback.
This app has no ads or in-app purchases and it does not transmit any data during the operation of the app. This app also does not contain any links to other apps or the web.
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