Flightsy compares prices for flights, hotels and car rentals. You can see the best deals and go to the airline or agency website.
We help travelers save money and time! With just one click on the SEARCH button, you can see all the offers.
Download the Flightsy app today to start your flight & hotel search!
• Search for airline tickets
Search for flights across all airlines and agencies in one place.
• Search result filters
To quickly find the right ticket, filter the results.
• Personal recommendations
Get recommendations when a ticket is cheaper.
• Compare prices
From hundreds of airlines and hotels around the world.
• No commission
We do not charge a commission; you buy directly from airline companies and agencies
• Search for hotels
We compare hotel prices. In our database, hundreds of the best prices.
• Hotels on the map
Choose hotels directly on the city map.
• Car rental
Choose a car that you can rent right at the airport.
• Simple and convenient
The app is fast and easy to use!
In our database of dozens of agencies and hundreds of airlines, you can find regular non-stop flights, with day and night transfers, flights from low-cost airlines.
FlightsRight works with airlines from all over the world: Emirates, American Airlines, SouthWest Airlines, United Airlines, JetBlue, Alaska Airlines, EasyJet, Air Canada, Frontier, Spirit Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Air Transat, WestJet, British Airways, Air France, Lufthansa, KLM, Bangkok Airlines, Singapore Airlines, AirAsia and many more.
Please note that we do not sell airline tickets, but help to find the most profitable and convenient way to travel!
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