Extremely slow, no tutorial
When you click something, it takes up to 4seconds for the app to respond to your click. In 2024, that’s a no go! You have three different intern currencies, but the golden coins are useless because you cannot buy something or trade them, the blue thingies cost orange thingies to convert, but there is no way to earn orange thingies. (My grade is privilege 1 and my botan has grade 10) I don’t understand how this mint-stuff is supposed to work because you have to subscribe to an unreliable site called „medium“ (never heard of that) which wants you to pay for their contents. There is no tutorial how you can earn currencies and what they are good for, how to trade one for another, no tutorial on how to level up, you cannot choose your plant or island, no tutorial for arena fights, there is NOTHING. What kind of scam is this????