Decent before
The game was absolutely fantastic before it had very little issues a lot of stuff was balanced overall a really fun game. But I’m noticing that it’s quite literally impossible to beat this game now unless u were to put years of grinding into it I’m lvl 79 with the gem version of the inferno sword and shield plus inferno armor and ring plus all the strongest skills. Even so with extreme shielding plus shield passive from the Felix and skill I can literally be almost if not straight up one shotted by the devils skills on lvl 170. The closest I got to beating it was around half way but unless I perfectly time all my dodging and skills for iframes and saved up hundreds of large health pots the fight is quite literally not possible and with how strong the last boss of the game is to my remembering I could only imagine that fight. Especially considering the orb glitch and I have no clue how to unlock the devil armor anymore this simply makes the game either an unworldly amount of grinding that is basically not even realistic or unbeatable.