Terrible for noobs
Typical greedy devs. Overload you with popup after popup. Wish they put that level of effort making the game less flawed. Yes it's a skin on top of E&P. Yes half the guilds are filled with dead players. Oh and if you find yourself in a leaderless guild, you can't replace them. In arena battles, there are so few new players, you get shoved up into higher arena levels and get hit so hard and frequent that you can't grow because all your steel and food is taken. As a new player, you can't join active alliances because they want higher trophies than you can amass due to points given above. Plus, you can't do enough damage on War Machines to get any loot. It's just terribly out of balance because there aren't any new players. Potential new players should pass on this game and leave it to the suckers (aka whales) who want to dominate a dead game... I did pay for VIP but my next stop is going to cancel that. I will consider it money well spent for a lesson on why to avoid Zynga games.