Seemed slow at first
The designing part takes a long time to complete. You don’t have a lot of ads here in the game but you will be forced to watch a video ad not at the right time (or any time) when you start a game/round then you’re forced to leave the game, exit, come back and then you have to start over. The Hexa games are slow and open up to multiple other colors and fill up your Hexa grid pretty quickly. So you’re forced to slow down. Now there is a round where you have to break open a ton more Hexa tiles by making combos next to those locked tiles. But instead of moving inward to attack those locked tiles until they go away the tiles move outwards my and don’t unlock anything even when they full stack gets completed. So due to this and other gameplay issues you run out of room fast and your tools to recover are still too expensive because you don’t make any money after each round. You get 5 coins but have to watch a video to double that. This sudden change in game interface with the locked tiles no longer makes sense given your poor choices of color stacks with multiple colors. Update: I’m a master at these games and I just beat this particular level under these conditions. Ultimately you do run out of room and continue to get crummy color stacks. So you have to watch a video to get some more coins to pay for the cheapest recovery tool to get more favorable color stacks. This game is likely going to be deleted. Was kind of fun before until they made this completely different way of playing with horrible options that don’t help you win at all.