Sign documents yourself - Easily insert your signature to any document with your finger. Or simply take a photo of a document with your handwritten signature.
Create and use digital signatures – easily add signatures to your digital documents. Sign and share documents either in-person with other people present with you or digitally send the document to other remote people for signature from wherever you are.
Our customers say they are using the Fill and Sign digital signature App for the following purposes:
• When you are out of the office and urgently need to sign or stamp documents but only have access to your iPhone, create custom stamps and signatures and apply them to documents
• Sign your documents without printing paper
• Scanning physical paper forms
• Generate digital stamps and stamping documents (mandatory document authorisation in certain countries)
• Electronically Stamp your documents with your company’s stamp
• Import documents from your cloud storage accounts
• Converting any document or file to PDF
• Remote users can use our web application to sign documents without the need to download the App
Collaborate with other people to sign documents. Request and track other signatures either in person or using digital channels. Ensure a fully legal audit trail across signatories.
• Wet, ink signatures - Add smooth signatures by drawing or uploading a signatures from your document(s) using our smart signature capture
• Multiple signature formats - Upload an image of the signature or create a signature using templates
• Import and export documents - Import documents from email, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive and other cloud storage
• Unlimited document signatures - Sign as many documents as you need, securely store and share your signed documents
• Add stamps, text and dates - Create digital stamps and easily add text, images and dates
• Legally binding with audit trail - Create documents with legal signatures shared with others
• Supports all popular document formats - Supports import of popular formats such as PDF, Word, Excel, Pages, JPG, PNG, etc
• Advanced security features - Authenticate and protect signed documents by Fingerprint ID, Face ID or PIN
• Customizable email footer - Set a custom email footer for emails sent to document recipients
• Offline signing - When offline, edit and sign documents, save them as drafts
• Subscriptions are billed either weekly, monthly or yearly at the rate selected depending on the subscription plan
• Payment will be charged to your Apple Account at confirmation of purchase
• Subscription automatically renews and account charged unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period
• Subscriptions may be managed by the user and auto-renewal may be turned off by going to your Account Settings
By using Fill and Sign, you are agreeing to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
Privacy Policy:
Terms of Use:
Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours.
Disclaimer: All Fill and Sign app users will be required to sign up for auto-renewable in-app purchases before they are able to access the app.
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