Not sure… but indicative perhaps.
This is an interesting app. I wanted to give direct feedback but perhaps a review is easier. The units of measurement in the surveys don’t seem to be specified. I assumed it was a US based company so entered info accordingly. Feedback about diet and BMI also seem quite skewed. Perhaps adding questions about body type might improve BMI problems (well known as indicator)… weight plus waist measurement (which doesn’t seem to work properly) gives a misleading result I suspect. Feedback about what to improve didn’t map with what was entered in surveys. Maybe it’s a data entry issue. But still, nice to use and (since I know my own health situation) I wasn’t worried but others might be sensitive and freak out (we all relate to authority of aps differently.) This does seem important. If the ap creates new stress for someone, rather than measured, accurate feedback, that would counter its obvious aims. Of course, it’s hard to do well and this one does its best.