Be your own audiologist
This software is fantastic and hated by audiologist since people with some understanding of hearing can be successful at adjusting for missing or low levels of hearing certain frequencies. My Maihear hearing aids employ this software. Adjusting for the frequencies that are not heard as well requires effort which the audiologist due for you and which you pay for. Their work is tedious and the cost justified if you want to choose someone already trained in adjusting hearing aids. All hearing aids should employ this software with its 16 channels. Just amplyfying sound for impaired hearing ignores the loss of some frequencies but not others. The FDA is owned by the audiologists and their hardware suppliers. So there is little chance for allowing 16 channel over the counter hearing aids with SOUNDWEAR software to impede the the business interest of audiologists. In fact I have noticed that the FDA has stopped any advertising relating to do it yourself audiology employing SOUNDWEAR .