Ads WAY too long!!
I was enjoying this game at first but then the dreaded ads!! I have no problem with watching a few ads on a free game. I have several games that I play daily that actually have too many ads but since I really enjoy the games & the ads are short I stick it out. Key word there is SHORT, 15-30 seconds. This games ads are obscenely long! I suffered through about a minute long ad, played a level that took maybe 45 seconds & then a 90 second ad!! Out of the numerous free games I’ve played this is the only game I’ve seen that has such long ads. I hope it paid the developers well because it was uninstalled before it hit the 30 second mark. To me that seems greedy & uncaring for the players/customers. It also means I’m going to actively avoid any of the developers other games on the off chance their playing 90 second ads there as well.