Useful but far from perfect
This app definitely helped me decide which chairs and sofas I wanted to try when I had time to visit a furniture store and I appreciated being able to view 3D Models and arrange them in groups and see it augmented in my living space but there are a few issues with the app: - Catalog sync takes a very long time. I don’t know how large the models are but 5 minutes on gigabit internet is too slow! Many users will quit and never come back to the app. - color matching and lighting of the 3D models is *very* different from the real product and I didn’t fully understand this until I went into a furniture store to see for myself. The wood stains are all very off! - I like being able to save an arrangement of items to see later but it would be nice to export the models as standard files that I can import into any other 3D modeling software to help with interior design and planning.