Stunt Rails Content Creator/Uploader
Hello, Stunt Rails is a great game, the game mechanics, sliding the rails, avoiding traps, while spinning, and gliding on the winds is great. I have been uploading Stunt Rails gameplay content to both TikTok and YouTube. Currently I am up to level 135. The issue is.. I had to slow down on uploading content to YouTube and TikTok because the gameplay content became Repetitious. I tried ,and tried many different strategies to get to the 1% or create longer distances, and nothing worked. The game play became stagnated. I hoped that maybe something good would change in the next update however, yesterday’s update 12/23/2024 had no significant or noticeable changes. What this game needs is: -A booster while gliding - Second updraft -Abilities should be added to the RODS and or characters . -Combining players and Rods would increase abilities. -Experimenting with characters, and Rods to obtain the longest distances. -Create new worlds, and make it a journey. -Create additional challenges to defeat and maybe unlock special Rods/Characters. -Each new world would have tough obstacles/traps to avoid/overcome. The game has good replay value, it just needs to TLC. I believe this game would be an even bigger hit if some new abilities and an adventure/journey was implemented. Thank you, QueballX QueballXGames