Hidden gem of a Go (Igo, weiqi, baduk) app
I found this app completely by accident (never came up in search, which is the curse of all Go related things) and it has turned out to be all but perfect. If you play on OGS (or want to but you’re turned off by the interface) this is all you need. It’s an actual free fully featured OGS client, with the only upsell being a tiny subscription fee if you want push notifications for your games. There is currently a very small bug in the chat feature but after emailing the developer Khoa, they responded promptly to let me know it has been fixed in the next release and shared a TestFlight link to download the improved dev version. They are clearly in it for the love and not for the money, so if this review is corny, it’s only because I feel likes this kind of work deserves some love in return.