My fav
This app is so bodacious it saved my life one autumn morning. My name is tickle tips and and I work at the fetus and grill restaurant down in Boston, Texas. You make them we take them. There’s nothing like that Texas tang. as I was saying Chimi Chimi. I woke up in the dumpster, my usual house and all of a sudden, I felt the urge to release some butt bananas into the atmosphere so I headed down to the local public restroom. When I arrived, I noticed there was a homeless man he went by the name special ed he was very special because then he began to gallop out of the restroom do several cartwheels before getting hit by a car and going down a manhole, then proceeded to enter the restroom lock the stall door, but then all of a sudden, my butt bananas came to life and they tried to drag me in. Of course I had just downloaded chimp and he came out of the phone and he saved me and he peeled all the butt bananas and ate them, and I thought that was so perplexing, but then chippy got down on one knee and mashed my butt bananas into her ring shape then proposed to me we’ve been married for 69 years and we are currently living our best life with 112 children named Bartholomew