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Subject: Urgent Concerns Regarding Management and Service Standards Dear OSK Property Management Team, I reaching out to formally express concerns numerous complaints have been raised, and to address these issues urgently to ensure a satisfactory living experience. The main issues being faced include: 1. Delayed Action on Defects I have reported significant delays in addressing defect submissions, causing inconvenience and disrupting their ability to settle into their units. Despite repeated follow-ups, defect repairs are either slow or incomplete. 2. Lack of Resolution and Support from the Management Office The management office has not provided clear solutions or timelines, leaving owners uncertain and frustrated. This lack of communication and support has created a sense of mistrust among residents. 3. Poor Service Quality There is a general concern regarding the quality and responsiveness of the management team. I have expressed dissatisfaction with service quality, noting insufficient efforts to address or prioritize issues. 4. Substandard Management Practices I disappointed with the overall management practices, including inconsistent communication, lack of transparency, and limited accountability for service standards. It is critical to implement an improved system for defect resolution, enhance communication with residents, and ensure the management office is adequately equipped to support and provide effective solutions. Your prompt attention to these matters will be highly appreciated to restore trust and ensure a positive environment for our community.