Experience true financial wellness with the 1 Number Challenge, a budgeting method made for the real world, where you're out and about enjoying time spent with friends and family, not at home reconciling accounts and checking what you spent last month.
The key to achieving all of your financial goals is about your spending right now, and sticking to a specific number regularly. Like a paycheck or a lot of your bills, your 1 Number is constant week to week.
Because life (and your expenses) is different every week, your 1 Number makes it easy to see if you're on track or if you're going over your budget.
The 1 Number Challenge gives you the same amount of money to spend every week, but of course you can tailor it as needed. The way to play is to add expenses to Tiniio each time you spend. Spend your 1 Number or less, you win.
But since the 1 Number Challenge is made for the real world, overspend and we'll keep you on track so you pay yourself back later. Spending resets every Friday to keep you on track.
How many weeks in a row can you go?
The 1 Number Challenge is a budgeting method that helps you focus on what counts: the variable expenses you personally spend every day. Expenses like rent, loans, and utilities need to be managed, but they don't need constant attention, add them to Main. Holidays, special events, irregular, and emergency expenses should be set aside in Reserve. Tiniio calculates Savings automatically. Once you lock down or automate all of your other expenses, just focus on Spending.
Learn more about the 1 Number Challenge on
Also, winning with money is about people, plans, celebrating goals, and sharing moments. So, Tiniio includes social features for couples to win together, for friends and family to plan together.
Couples can share access to track and coordinate expenses to win together, or you can compete with Friends to see who can win the 1 Number Challenge the most weeks in a row.
Sometimes you don't want to forget about the money you spent. Add a picture gallery to any transaction and keep notes as well. Also remember things and moments that weren't about money spent, just add the item as Priceless.
New accounts start by adding income and a few cash envelopes, then Tiniio sets up the rest for you to fine-tune later. No bank connections to worry about, banks don't know anything about your goals anyway!
Install Tiniio now to spend consciously and win the 1 Number Challenge.
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