態度極惡劣 worst service
用咗兩個補習老師,第一個完全唔備課,所以換咗。其實第二個開頭都幾好,後來有10堂放八次缺課,就冇用。浪費時間金錢去約時間。簡直就係抌錢落鹹水海。諗住俾多次機會佢哋,再約試堂,但係屋企發生好多事情,忘記了入數客戶服務嗰邊就態度好惡劣,又話我嘅時間就係時間,老師嘅時間就唔係時間,又話唔鍾意就用另外一間公司。服務態度極差。千祈唔好用依間公司。我就俾咗幾次機會佢哋,都可以咁嘅態度回覆我。 Used them twice for 2 tutors, one tutor was inexperienced and didn’t meet my requirement as having her mother tongue as putonghua. Then gave them another chance and used another, but 8 out of 10 classes she will message me last minute to cancel. A complete waste of our time and money. After a few months we decided to yet give them another chance, but was greeted with extremely bad attitude when I’ve forgotten to secure the trial class. Saying things like my time is time and the teacher’s time is not time so go find another service. I am extremely appalled by this kind of service especially the tutoring sector has already been dominated by online apps. Don’t waste your money on them. Very disappointed.