Poor customer service
The one girl in the pick up area is very rude. I think her name starts with a J. Also in all the communication received says things like “we are human, we may make mistakes etc”. But holy smokes if a customer makes a mistake, look out! You are only allowed to return one item every 12 months. So much for human error. And then the rudeness starts. I was in there picking up something I had bid on and a very nice lady was there and told J she didn’t want one of the items she bid on. J was sooo rude to her, I stepped in and said something, then J went off on me. I cancelled my acct and so did the nice lady. No one should be spoken to like that. Why Amie and J still have jobs, I don’t know. Why is it ok for them to make errors but not the customers? I realize they work with a lot of products and customers but that is no reason to be so rude to people. Maybe they should change their names to Karen and call it Karen’s auctions.