Changed to paywall app
App was good as a stand-alone tool for adding detail to sketches. Recent update removed all on-app rendering and blocks it with a paywall only option. Classic bait and switch bull. Don’t install, the app is now a pay only tease and offers nothing without first paying money. Edit: developer claims there isn’t a paywall, yet after the first 5-6 renders, once you’re -just- starting to understand the app, paywall popup, subscribe or the app is useless. I had the app installed already and updated it (yknow, normal behavior), tried to use it and it throws up the paywall modal the first time I tried to render a sketch. So a paywall was absolutely added on the recent update. The “drawing feature” isn’t a feature. Procreate is a small fee, one time, forever and it’s an actual well respected drawing app. Previous versions of Wand would render using your device, so it was a decent app that had the option of subscribing for faster speed and more render options. If you’re going to pay money for an AI art service, there are so many better options with a ton more features. Just sad to see this app turned to another subscription gateway and removing any offline usability it once had. I remember when iOS apps were useful offline, do you? Spend your time and money elsewhere.