This is a huge oversight, how is this even possible
I literally can't even log into the app cause the password for my account just so happens to include characters that the mobile app SPECIFICALLY doesn't support. this wouldn't have been a problem if when i tried making an account through the mobile app, it TOLD ME it didn't support these characters instead of saying nothing, letting me click the button to finish setting up the account, and just crashing. while i have an incredibly minuscule understanding of programming, i cannot understand how you can do something like this. in my experience i don't think ANY mobile app for a website has THIS IMPORTANT OF AN INCONSISTENCY. SOME PEOPLE LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN USE THE APP UNLESS THEY CHANGE THEIR PASSWORD BECAUSE NO WHERE ARE YOU EVER TOLD THIS UNLESS YOU REACH OUT TO CUSTOMER SUPPORT ABOUT IT LIKE I DID. while YES, in a way, this is more of a me issue, or a small inconvenience sense all i have to do to "fix" this is change my password, i shouldn't HAVE to do that. in my opinion, this is a HUGE oversight. so either make the requirements/limitations for passwords on the site and app the THE SAME OR, at the VERY LEAST, WARN ME that "hey you can't use these characters" or "hey if you use these characters you can't log into our app".