Not Bad
Fun vibes, the story is very simple but cute. I finished it in about an hour and a half, and it’s not too difficult, but the mechanics are… janky. Like, you literally only press one button to swing the sword over and over again, ads can play WHILE ZOMBIES ATTACK YOU (you can usually close them in five seconds, but I’ve had to restart levels on occasion. Maybe fix that.), and the zombies take forever to spawn and walk to you. Maybe have them come in hoards to make it less time consuming, and make the sword attack faster- esp when you upgrade it? Also complaint: there’s no reason the boobs on the mc need to jiggle when she’s standing completely still… breasts ain’t separate entities from us girlies. Like what the freak. Also I saved up for the almond hair expecting a cute pink, and instead got a moldy pink with yellow weird parts… pls give us pretty pastel hair… and maybe a few different hair style options and clothing options. A very simple game, but a fun one that I enjoyed.