Good but..
Well i just got the game it looks fun but when i got on it ban me one time so i got on again first i had fun but the problem is that battles are easy too me and there are less things to do in the game i only see some buttons i dont know how if works the beginner guide was not that helpful the character are okay too me but if you wanna make it look good first the character have to have more attck animation and that the game is well played when i start i did not know it was about zombie like what? and that the Chibi character are i just wanna say that this game is just so boring not a hate comment the real problem was that I thought the game was good just before i play i check the reviews it was bad but i though it was good but i was wrong its just werid but its okay now the zgirl titles just look well okay just boring and maybe you can add this zgirls battlefield title had more detail this is not hate comment and its so annoying how the battle i do not know how to battle if you want a 5 star you need to add theses custom character edit and a custom background edit and a easyer way to battle And if you want to change your name it’s expensive like i dont have that much money change my name AND WHERE CAN I FIND THE OTHER players in the game and how can i play with them and heres a another idea how to make the game better first make it a online playing with friends games just my idea.