I'm gonna request a few things
This game is fun and all, I like the robots and stuff, very colorful. Did you make these models yourself? Do the 5 bots have names? The game however... Is fairly glitchy. The battery runs out kinda quickly when you use the defense mechanisms. I mean is it supposed to do that? And the camera buttons really need fixing, I cant tap on them properly because the camera hitboxes are seemingly larger than the camera map itself. I can't see the hitboxes for the cameras... I would honestly like some "super hard difficulty" night, cuz this game is too easy. I'd love more detailed story. I like the "jumpscares" the way they are, I encountered all 5 of them tbh. The way the bots just charge in and injure you upon contact is perfect. I also like how they go through walls and stuff, its like they have special and/or supernatural abilities. Once again, i'd honestly like to know if the bots have names. 3 star for now until this games bugs gets fixed. Also one last thing, the shocker buttons when I press them wait for like a second and then turn on. Is it supposed to do that? To conclude, developer, you don't really have to add my suggestions if you don't want to. But I really think they would make the game more exciting. Thx, if you read this. This game is good-ish.