#修复了之前影响体验的BUG 请新老玩家更新 谢谢支持
#多人联网服务器列表需要一定时间才能加载 请耐心等候
生存模式: 你不能飞翔和快速移动。你需要寻找需要的物品并根据合成规则制造你所需的一切!远离各种怪物和储存好你的食物,否则你真的会死的很惨!!祝君好运!
创造模式: 随心所欲!造你所爱!唯一的限制就是你的想象力!请分享你的作品给你的伙伴
Adventure Map:
Your goal is to get 9 different swords and craft them into the Infinity Sword. You start at a hub 110 blocks up and can choose where to go next. The swords are : sky, sea, stone, flame, energy, hill, forest, sand, and surface.
Here's the rule:
1. no digging regular blocks.
2. no flying.
3. obey signs.
4. stay within boundaries of area you are in.
Multicraft is an amazing open world building game inspire by Minecraft. you can build anything you can image in this game. Here are some other amazing maps in this game:
Flat world:
This flat and infinite world make it easy for anyone to build new things
Big Bird:
The lovely flappy bird is HERE, it show you how to build something lovely :), just build your own bird and share with your family and friends.
Sky Imagination:
Building is not as easy as you think! pay your attention! you are flying in the air! Don't disable the fly mode, or you'll falling into the endless under world! So continue the job to build the fantasy things in your mind. it can be a space station, air castle or some big birds crash into the flying air plane! anything in your mine!
Tire of building your dream? Welcome to our Labyrinth world! Don't try to dig the block!. your mission is escape to the outside world. someone told me there's a ladder somewhere, just find it and see what's there!
Have fun!
This app is inspired by Minecraft but is not an official Mojang app. we are not associated or connected with Mojang AB and its game Minecraft - Pocket Edition. This game isn't endorsed or affiliated with its creator or licensers.
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