This is ‘Sick’! (or whatever…lol)
I didn’t even finish reading the 2nd paragraph of the app’s description before I hit the purchase button. I love making Ambient Music, Soundscapes and lately Drones. As I said above…this app is seriously, sonically, ‘Sick’. I said that that? Using basically default settings, went to the Pad Screen. Enabled Hold, touched 4 points creating, in a clockwise fashion, (a lopsided squarish shape) with increasing side lengths. Then played a simple D#0 note in Animoog Z, closed my eyes, leaned back and enjoyed some amazing sound gymnastics! AND I HAVEN’T STARTED TWEAKING YET EVEN. lol With Animoog running through various combinations of FD-1 Filter Delay, OtherDesertCities, and now the icing on the special effects train…Atomizer. THANK YOU! (Running the output from Atomizer through Oscilloscope&Sprectrogram shows some eerily organic sound patterns…some like the Star Trek Genesis Wave! Atomizer is just incredible.)