this app saved my life (metaphorically)
I seriously have no words to express how thankful I am that I downloaded this app. There’s no fees or charges to use it, and it’s SO EFFECTIVE. I downloaded it the week before the election because the political spam was insanely off the charts. You’re able to block key words and phrases that are common in spam texts. Since then, they’ve blocked SIX HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-ONE texts. 671 texts that I would’ve had to manually clear out all day every day. My text messages are so free and clear now and it’s actually people I know. Apple doesn’t allow them to block non-sms numbers bc apple’s shady, but this product is still a lifesaver. I’m so happy and if the developer is reading this I’m so so thankful for your app and I love you so much, I’m not even joking. Thank you.