Fun game, but….
Two big issues. First is the ads. I’m glad they’re short, usually manageable to deal with, especially when looking at previous reviews where it sounds like they used to be much worse. But, it’s still incredibly annoying how much they pop up, even after having just watched one. I’ll watch one in between levels, but if I switch apps real quick, or let my phone lock (even accidentally), it throws another ad up, even while in the middle of playing a level. Also, the price of disabling ads is, frankly, far too high Second big issue, is the targeting line. It is incredibly frustrating at times because it is not entirely accurate to where I’m aiming. I could be aiming at a certain block, that might be cutting it close to another block, but the targeting line shows a clear path to the one I’m aiming at. But when I fire, it hits the other block, completely ruining the shot that I was shown to be able to make because it seems that the path the targeting line is showing, and the path the balls actually take are two different paths. It’s an incredibly frustrating mechanic (or bug?) in an otherwise actually pretty fun game