Not allowing me to access my sermon notes until I subscribe.
I enjoyed using church notes as it was one central app to keep my church notes and it has auto verse for free on the ESV translation. I was okay with just using the free version, where you are only able to use the ESV translation, which was fine. The problem arose when I reached 5 of the sermon notes and the app asked me to subscribe to the paid version. Which I did not want to do and I also didn’t even know there was a max 5 notes on the free version. So I decided I will just go into the last 5 sermon notes and copy and paste it into my phones notes app and then delete the app because I was not prepared to pay for the full version. It wouldn’t allow me to go into any of those sermon notes until I subscribed which was really upsetting. I immediately deleted it and am now disappointed that I couldn’t even retrieve those notes I made. I understand apps need to make money. I also have the choice of deciding whether I want to pay for an app or not and I am happy deleting an app that I can’t afford. But the fact that I can’t even get the content I put into the app, in turn forcing me to pay for the app. No ways, that’s like blackmail.