Important Test, but NOT from this Rip-Off Seller
I first used this Color Blindness Test 10+ years ago, when it was FREE. It was ESSENTIAL information, for MY PROFESSION. As a licensed Microbiologist you must distinguish certain colors (+ gradients) to accurately interpret immunofluorescent staining; such as Rabies Testing of brain (animal) tissue. Don’t waste your time and money on this App. For a measly $1.99 locate the Color Vision App by Dr. Ullman. Written by a physician who appears to be an Ophthalmologist [an actual Eye M.D.]; or at least, it appears that he is. Regardless, his Apps are [below] reasonably priced from $1.99 to $3.99. There are some high level imaging Apps and sophisticated medical Apps for physicians that may cost more depending on which components are added. I have NO association of any kind with Dr. Ullman. I came across his applications TODAY, when my previous Color Blindness App kicked me in the teeth; or at least, tried to.