With Credit Loans, getting the cash you need is easy and convenient. Apply for a loan in just minutes right from your phone without collateral or piles of paperwork.
Credit Loans Features:
- Loan amounts from 6,000 to 120,000 NGN
- Loan term: 91 to 365 day terms
- Interest rate: daily interest rates from 0.05% to 0.096%
- Responsive customer support
Loan Example:
If you apply for a loan amount is 20,000 NGN and the daily interest is 0.05%, repay in 180 days. On the due date, we will charge you 1800 NGN as interest. The total amount of repayment is 21,800 NGN, and the monthly payment is 3633 NGN.
Safe and Secure:
Your information is protected with encryption and strict privacy practices. Credit Loans keeps your data safe and transactions private.
To apply you must:
- Be a Nigerian resident
- Be 18-55 years old
- Have a stable income source
- Have an active bank account
Let Credit Loans provide a helping hand when you need it. Contact us today to get started or if you have any questions!
Contact Email:
[email protected]