Good app, but. Please read in full.
Hi, I’m not really being fair in my review... let’s get that strait at the get go. This is a great “learn and practise cursive writing in English”, for kids. In that regard it’s faultless and deserves 5 out of 5. I’m not a child. I’m a 52 yeah old software engineer with truly dreadful hand writing. I got this app to improve my handwriting and cursive in particular. That it has done, very well. Told you I wasn’t being fair. The only fault in the app, and this probably only applies to my particular circumstance, is that All of the letters and words are way, way to big. With kids, you start big then get smaller and smaller... you can’t do that with this app, or Any other like app that I’ve been able to find. To amplify the problem I’m using the Apple Pencil to do my writing. The letters and words seem about 3 times to big. I haven’t written that big since my preschool... yeah, yeah I was a precocious child... maybe it was the first years of primary... apparently I’m a forgetful old man! Also missing are all those little symbols that we use daily, &@£€¥% etc, the ampersand is probably the on truly essential one. Told you I wasn’t being fair. This is great piece of software. It does what is says and does it well. It just doesn’t suit my needs exactly, but then I haven’t found one that dose... yet. Look, I’ll tell you how much I rate this App... I PAID for it, and I’m happy with my purchase, I just wish the was little more to practise, and I could change the size of the writing. Buy this write cursive app, I looked and tried at just about all of them... this is the one I bought. Thanks