compare with decked drafter,decked drafter 2 is much worse
Cause Im not a native english speaker,sorry about my potencial speeling and grammer problems,but what I wanna point is decked drafter 2 is much worse than its ancient. I used decked drafter for a long time,I perchased every set in drafter,the clearly UI and rating from profession players made me level up my skills,especially the speed of update for new set,which helps a lot!although AI draft sometimes werid but it’s ok. Who cares?but now in drafter2 everything changed a lot! It seems like the developer is on the wrong way. They tried their best to improve ai’s skill make them more like human draft.but lost the real players’ rating.and the updated speed is lower than recent set m21 released we just found iko in drafter 2. That really frustrating. Now people using website like draftsim or practice with human totally discard ai function makes them focus on new set and better experience than ever. Hope my review will help the developers make this app better.