There must should be an app similar to this app after the 4d explorer kid bugs and insects game
So, There should be an app after the bugs and insects game called “Find Them All: Prehistoric Life” with 16 new worlds and 1 world for the prehistoric animals and more dinosaurs and prehistoric animals on december thirty-one. For dinosaur world one, I would say Diabloceratops, Tuojiangosaurus, Ceratosaurus, Edmontonia, Miragaia, Baryonyx, Wuerhosaurus, Ouranosaurus, and Edaphosaurus. For dinosaur world two, I would say Tuojiangosaurus, Allosaurus, Parasaurolophus, and Albertosaurus. For dinosaur world three, I would say Riojasaurus, Sinoceratops, Amargasaurus, Sinovenator, Troodon, Gorgosaurus, and Melanorosaurus. For dinosaur world four, I would say Euoplocephalus, Sauropelta, Chasmosaurus, Magyarosaurus, Carnotaurus, Maiasaura, Titanoboa, Phorusrhacos, and Saurophaganax. For dinosaur world five, I would say Alamosaurus, Ouranosaurus, Stegosaurus, Olorotitan, Anzu, Citipati, Ojoraptorosaurus, Deinocheirus, Eryops, Dodo, Cynognathus, Lystrosaurus, Great Auk, Heterodontosaurus, Arthopleura, and Nanotyrannus.