Absolutely terrible treatment towards those who need it
This whole app is unnecessary, when absolutely everything seems to HAVE to be done through their website. The FAQs solve nothing and only add to the confusion for patients. For context, everything was fine until I actually made an appointment. After this timeslot passed without my therapist calling me and not answering MY call, I was made aware I needed to be logged into the web browser. This session has since been taken away from me despite the FAQs saying I would be called through the app, and I have been threatened to be cut off from this service totally. Additionally I was passively told off for not completing all the questionnaires ahead of this session that I ultimately did not get. However there is only the depression and anxiety ones clearly available in the app; this is very different in the browser version. In summary, why bother with an app at all when it runs so badly that patients unavoidably miss appointments, and why do you feel the need to blame patients for missing these sessions when it lies in fault of half-informtive FAQs and a half/functioning app?