Extremely Frustrating and Absolutely Useless with Vador 4 Pro Controller
The Vador 4 Pro disconnects every 30-40 seconds with in DInput mode. The app requires DInput mode to do firmware updates of the controller over Bluetooth. No support for wired connection in the App or on a Mac. The XInput mode is “recommended” in the app. But it just takes you to an article that describes how to get the controller into XInput mode. The app cannot connect to the device from XInput mode. The article is a lot of Chinese with spattering of English. Then, mysteriously there is an account section with an advanced mode. It allows you to remap the keys of the controller presumably. But you have no clue, it is all in Chinese. And you cannot tell if the remote is connected to get the remap. So infuriating. I just want to update the firmware reliably. And I want to map the keys, especially the 6 function keys provided on the Vador 4 Pro Controller. The C Z M1-4. And then speaking of keys. There is a test page to text that your key input works. I have only ever got this to work once, for 30 seconds until the remote disconnected. It never worked again on any other subsequent connection. So, the test input is a dead screen. What is the purpose of this App??? It promises to help you improve your controller but fails on every single aspect. And Flydigi offers zero Mac support. And even using Windows 11 on VMWare Fusion, the Flydigi Space Center software will not recognize the controller even though the Windows reports it as a connected USB device and an XBox Controller in the device manager. If you are an iOS and Mac user, you better love the controller as is from the factory because you will not be getting any value out of their iOS app or the desktop app via VMWare Fusion virtualization.