Great game٫ But some bad things
This is a game in my opinion that has aged well over the years and I've been playing it since 2018 (6 years ago). Positives: The positives to this game is that the UI is great (tidy)٫ loads of props to discover٫ loads of tagger skins to find (The super rare ones being the vampire and the devil)٫ lots of maps٫ Great leveling system and coins. Negatives: However٫ Games do have problems! The first issue I see is something that some starter players do but is basically cheating is something called screening٫ screening is a method of cheating where you have 2 screens next to your normal screen٫ This allows you to see where props are as a tagger. another problem is there not being an option to save an account٫ sadly٫ I lost a super overpowered account٫ lvl 266 and like 500k coins٫ because there was not a cloud save or account save whatever software you use and you can lose all of your data from it. And the final issue is the chat and moderation٫ A problem with the chat is that there is no filter! People can say anything٫ Like REALLY BAD THINGS!! Such as N**** or R*** or personal details٫ Also٫ Moderation was added in some of the latest updates٫ That moderation is not really doing anything! It warns us at the top that you will get banned if you do the following things. The thing is٫ Its not banning anyone who does it! Please sort that out quickly before it gets worse! It might seem there are more negatives then positives but trust me٫ there's more positives. But overall٫ Its a great game that has lots of fun features in it! Just try sorting out the things listed in negative!