New feature for us to move the UI? New feature to move the UI, queen?
I’ve had this game/the free version on multiple devices and accounts since 2011, and even used it for an assignment when I went to school for interior design, so I LOVE this mf. I gatekeep it like my life depends on it, but I simply have to give it three stars right now. When you’re in 3D mode and have the menu for items open, it covers the joystick to move. My brother in christ, why is this the case? I hate to say it, but since downloading the app on this iPad, I’ve had to close the app after less than an hour every time I play in 3D mode. It just gets to annoying to constantly open and close the menu when you want to move even a couple feet to the side. It gets especially tough when you use the paint dropper in one room, then have to walk somewhere else, then lose your swatch. It really makes you have to mentally lock in, and i like to play numb brained after a long day, but here’s my finger tap dancing over some wall paper swatches. A feature to flip the side the joystick is on would make using this app SO much smoother. And correct me if I’m wrong, but I swear this was a feature at one point of this games life? Even if it was like eight years ago haha. But please- please allow us the joy of this feature so I pump up the numbers on screen time TL;DR- please let us flip the side of the joystick in 3D mode because the item menu currently covers it, making it inconvenient when moving around while changing the colour of things in the room