What would you like to clear from your life?
iClearIt™ is a self-help application that can help you eliminate:
· Uncomfortable feelings
· Negative thoughts
· Unresolved problems
· Persistent conditions
· Many physical pains
· Even some life conditions!
A built-in life coach will guide you through a step-by-step process that can magically disappear many complaints and ailments – even persistent ones that have bugged you for years.
If you’re experiencing something you don’t want to experience, allow yourself to be guided into a gentle set of steps, and watch the problem or condition disappear, or lighten up. You’ll be better able to handle whatever situation you face.
· Are you afraid of something? Clear it with iClearIt.
· Do you have a dark thought that repeats? Clear it with iClearIt.
· Are you confused or uncertain? Clear it with iClearIt.
· Do you feel strange for some reason? Clear it with iClearIt.
· Do you have a persistent pain? Clear it with iClearIt.
How does it work? By utilizing an important principle of the mind: Whenever you resist or avoid feeling an experience, it persists, or get more intense over time. Whenever you fully experience your experience, it can move through your nervous system, and disappear.
Every unwanted experience produces a specific set of unique body sensations that are uncomfortable. We don’t want to feel them, so we ignore, deny, or suppress them. They get stuck inside of us. You’ve probably heard the saying, “Whatever you resist, persists.”
The magic of the iClearIt process is that by focusing your attention on those sensations in a gentle way, and receiving the messages they are attempting to send, the sensations, along with the problem, will change, lighten up, or disappear completely.
You can clear things that have been bugging you for weeks – or years. You’ll notice immediate relief, and a feeling of inner peace. New possibilities will open for decisions and actions.
If you feel stuck, or if you can’t move forward with a project, or your life, use iClearIt to clear the path in front of you. We’ve gotten hundreds of reports of long-standing problems just… disappearing.
iClearIt is a proven therapeutic technique, with more than two decades of investigation and research. Thousands of people have proven its effectiveness. This unique clearing process is usually guided by a trained coach or therapist. Now, that coach is available to you, 24 hours a day – inside your iPhone or iPad. You’ll be guided through the process, step-by-step, by an expert guide.
Use iClearIt anytime, and anyplace. It takes only about ten to twenty minutes once you’re familiar with the process.
When you learn the power of focusing your attention on what you’re resisting, you’ll see your issues – whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual – lighten up or disappear,
Your first use is absolutely free. Download it now for your iPhone or iPad. All features and processes are included in the free download. If it works for you, purchase the app to unlock unlimited use.
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