iPad and android phones
I bought this app for both my iPad and my android phone. My phone for the field and my iPad when back at the house. I was hoping that I could that I could transfer the information from my phone to the iPad. The iPad has a bigger screen and is easier to look at at home and to plan my next sets, look at catches and rate my lures. I contacted the developer and he said yes it was possible and told me to email the stuff on my phone to my ipad then down load it to the app it didn’t work so I emailed him again and we made an appointment to talk on the phone. We tried different things and I sent him some of the set’s info for him to try still couldn’t do it. Then I went to my son’s house who is an apple geek to try, we tried and got nowhere my son said that the android and Apple operating systems are different and don’t work together. Then I went to my son-in-law who is a pc Microsoft type geek and he tried and got nowhere also the told me the same thing about the 2 systems not being compatible with each other. I then email he developer and relaid that the boys had said. He apologized and asked how he could make it right, I told him that I was happy with the app and would keep it on both phone and iPad but I hopped some day they could update the app. It does take a little time to get the hang of using the app but once you get used to it it works good, I just come home and load the info manually on the iPad