Serious tankers check this app out
Map Inspector gives you some incredible exploration and tactical tools that can give you a massive advantage over other players. The app has three modes: spot, camo and fire. In Spot mode, you can see what your view range is on a map and what areas you can spot enemy tanks from that location. In Fire mode, you can see what areas you can shoot based on your tank's location and gun depression. Can you pop over that hill and shoot at the reds in your Centurion? Map Inspector can tell you. Camo mode is another recent addition to Map Inspector and it's amazing. With this mode, you can see the impact of bushes on your tank's ability to remain hidden while stationary, and again when firing. It takes into account the 15m rule of bushes, and shows how much farther away you'll be spotted when you fire. Replays have just been added to Blitz and Map Inspector can show you how your team maneuvered and fired against the red team. There’s a log mode so you can see where every shot landed... hit the info button and it opens Armor Inspector so you can see where the shot impacted. Amazing! This app is astonishingly good and I've bought all the modes so I can plan my next games! It's worth every penny!