MassageBook is a bodywork practice management and scheduling app. Experience what MassageBook can do to help simplify and organize your business activities, grow your active client list, and generate more income.
Massage therapists and bodyworkers; MassageBook has been designed from the start to focus on the unique needs of professional massage therapists and bodyworkers.
Whether your practice offers massage therapy, reflexology, Reiki or other outcall services, join the thousands who rely on MassageBook to manaage and grow their business.
Free Online Booking Page - Your free booking page and listing on the MassageBook directory serves as an alternative (or addition) to building your own website and enables customers to easily book appointments with you online - any time.
Free SOAP notes - The MassageBook mobile app works seamlessly with the desktop and tablet version of our software and unlocks a world of additional features to organize, simplify and grow your practice.
Customer Database - Manage and retrieve customer contacts instantly, import and export contacts, and have every client’s details at your fingertips.
Multiple Ways to Book - Take bookings from the booking page, Facebook, your website, and over the phone. Organize and manage them all in one place.
Reminders - Cut down greatly on no-shows and late arrivals with automated SMS and email reminders.
Automated Notifications - Send and receive instant automated emails or text messages. Client reminders as well as changes in the schedule trigger automated messages to enable staff and customers to stay on top of their appointments and schedules.
Live Support Team - Need help? Our amazing team is available for real-time assistance.
Collect Payments - Collect payments during online booking, in your office and even with your phone! (Phone swiping requires separate device)
Staff Management - Provide complete or partial access and let staff take their own appointments. Define employee availability with dedicated work hours and off-hours.
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[email protected]
Help Center:
Support Contact: (843)352-2026
Support Email:
[email protected]