Tutorela is the perfect math app for learning in the most efficient and enjoyable way.
With 10,000+ math problems, exercises, games, full solutions and explanations in algebra & geometry, you can learn math skills & practice from anywhere at any time!
Tutorela offers 10,000 math exercises with full solutions and explanations to make sure you understand any topic.
Our math questions are short and to the point so you can practice math and learn math quickly and easily.
Our videos provide an easy-to-understand breakdown of each math exercise & math problem, so you can easily master even the toughest topics in mathematics.
Learn Math - from beginners to experts:
Tutorela math app gives you the ability to create a personalized study plan that suits your individual needs.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced learner, our math practice platform fits perfectly into your schedule and lifestyle.
Math for Kids - Achieve Confidence through Math Practice.
Our unique approach helps your kid improve their math confidence.
We provide engaging content that makes math fun and simple.
With daily regular math practice, you can easily master their math skills and be ready for any math exam or test.
Detailed solutions to math problems.
Detailed solutions for each math problem in both text and video format. This helps your child learn math at their own pace and makes sure that they understand every concept thoroughly.
Built by experienced math teachers with a high emphasis on step-by-step guidance and immediate feedback.
• Fun and free math games & math lessons to learn and practice algebra, geometry and more mathematics
• Challenging Math problems and Math quizzes with full solutions
• Learning Math is Fun! - we believe learning math while having fun is the most effective
• Suitable for children in elementary school, high school, university and adults
• Math exam mode - ace your next math test with our exam mode, your personalized math tutor
• Algebra practice app for beginners, basic math questions and solutions
Math games for primary school, elementary school:
Math for kids, age 8-9, 3rd grade
4th grade math, age 9-10
Prime and Odd numbers, Vertical Multiplication, Long Division, Elapsed Time & Time Interval, Roman Letters.
5th grade math, age 10-11
Basic Fractions and Decimals - add, subtract & convert fractions. Data - Tables & Charts, Mean, Estimation, Frequency. Number line.
6th grade math, age 11-12
Basic Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimals & Mixed Fractions.
Math learning & training for middle school:
7th grade math - geometry, algebra, age 12-13
Order of Operations, Negative numbers Distributive, Commutative & Associative properties, Strengths and Roots, Algebraic expressions, Equations and Basic Functions, Angles, Geometric shapes - Triangle, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram and Circle, Cuboid. Graphs & Coordinate system.
8th grade math - geometry, algebra, age 13-14
Algebraic Technique - FOIL method, taking out a Common factor, Algebraic fraction & more. Linear function, Absolute value, System of Equations, Percentages, Statistics, Probability, Ratio, Proportion and Scale. Congruence of triangles - CPCTC & Similar triangles, Pythagorean theorem, Cylinder.
9th grade math, age 14-15
Integer exponents, Short Multiplication Formulas, Quadratic Equation & System of Quadratic Equations, Advanced geometric shapes - Triangle, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Kite and Rhombus, Midsegments, Circle, Angles and Polygons.
10th grade math, age 15-16
Math for adults, Mental Math:
Algebra - Fractions, Percentages, Equations, Percentages, Statistics, Probability, Ratio, Proportion and Scale, Units of measurement, Number systems.
Geometry - Triangle, Rectangle, Trapezoid, Parallelogram, Kite and Rhombus, Circle, Cube, Cuboid, Prism. Parallel lines.
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