Number one it turns off automatically/my phone turns off automatically for some reason when in the middle of a game and it has such low quality it’s just unimaginable and I prefer the menu to be lower because it makes my neck hurt having to look up at it and then add a block. It’s really annoying and I prefer it to be lower for me not to have any neck pain or neck disabilities at all but mostly the game is great. I love how how it is set up and how everything looks. I’m just hating the low quality and the ads the ads are the worst. Why did you add the ad it’s so stupid. Why did you add them? It’s so awful. Why do you have to add stupid ads that aren’t even sponsored by you like I would recommend you to sponsor ads that are from you/the creator of this game because it’s better off to at least have a sponsorship instead of having to sponsor other stuff that are getting more credit our review and then after other people are gonna start playing the other games that you just showed them so then after they’ll be off of your games by the time they see a game that they like so I recommend you taking all the ads because it’s better off like like that