Inaccessible and has serious usability flaws
After I enter my first name and last name in the profile screen, the keyboard hides the text box for my email address—the trickiest info to enter since it must be exactly correct. On my phone, entering my email address as part of my contact info means not being able to see what I type. I typed my email address, clicked Done, spotted a typo in my email address, tapped the email address text box again, had the keyboard pop up and block my view of the text box, after which I backspaced and typed in the correction. I managed on the second try. Although it’s understandable that there is a requirement for a selfie photo, this feature strikes me as inaccessible to blind and visually impaired users. Even as a sighted person used to take selfie photos, I was surprised that the final picture wasn’t aligned as expected. Although I *think* I’ve completed the process—hence two stars instead of one star—the hiccoughs make me wonder if there’s some (hidden) step I may have missed. Please refactor the design, test on more phones of all sizes, and rerelease.