Messy !!!
If you prefer peace of mind, do not install. Very messy. First you get plenty of pop-ups, ads, very frustrating. Next comes hard reality, makers of this app must have been stoned. You find a search, results will be listed in list on stupid font with a small play button in every line, so this is not for men this app. The list itself is messy, freaking results, never heard music... What where you doing or searching? Trying to listen music? With this app? Lol. Besudes, there will be sone black info pop-ups covering part of results. Indicating hasty programming. Finally, there is a Clear button. It does not clear your head. Best way to do it is to uninstall this app. Better yet, not to install in the first place. Just play real Spotify in back and surf youtube by browser, much simplier. iPad can do multitasking ;)